Thematic Program on Incompressible Fluid Dynamics -- Minicourses and Lecture Series

Click on the desired week to see the minicourse for that period.

Week 1: Mar 10-14 Week 2: Mar 17-21 Week 3: Mar 24-28
Week 4: Mar 31- Apr 04 Week 5: Apr 07-11 Week 6: Apr 14-18
Week 7: Apr 21-25 Week 8: Apr 28-May 02 Week 9: May 05-09
Week 10: May 12-16 Week 11: May 19-23 Week 12: May 26-30
Week 13: Jun 02-06 Week 14: June 09-13 %%%%%%%%%%

Week 1: March 10 to 14
School "Around Vortices"
Week 2: March 17 to 21 School "Around Vortices"
Week 3: March 24 to 28 
Minicourse       Notes available here


      Dates > Mon (Mar 24) - Wed (Mar 26) - Fri (Mar 28)
      Time > 14:00 to 15:00

Room 333

Walter Strauss (Brown University)

Lectures on Nonlinear Stability


These lectures will be appropriate for graduate students.
* Some brief general comments.
* Two particular cases: peakons and 2D Euler.
* Can one pass from linear to nonlinear instability?
* Solitary waves.
Week 4: March 31 to April 04


      Dates > Mon (Mar 31) - Wed (Apr 02) - Fri (Apr 04)
      Time > 14:00 to 15:00

Room 333

Dragos Iftimie (Université de Lyon 1, France)

Growth of the gradient of the vorticity in 2D incompressible ideal flow


In this series of lectures we will discuss the problem of the growth in time of the Lipschitz norm of the vorticity for 2D incompressible ideal flow. We start by showing that the growth can be at most double exponential in time. We present next several examples of solutions that exhibit: unbounded growth (Yudovich 1974), linear growth (Nadirashvili 1991), optimal double exponential growth (Kiselev and Sverak 2013) and exponential growth in the absence of boundaries (Zlatos 2013).
Week 5: April 07 to April 11


      Dates > Mon (Apr 07) - Wed (Apr 09) - Fri (Apr 11)
      Time > 14:00 to 15:00

Where: Room 333

James P. Kelliher (U. C. Riverside, U.S.A.)

Boundaries in incompressible fluids

We will discuss what is known, and not known, about existence and uniqueness of solutions to the Euler equations for various boundary conditions. We will focus mostly on strong solutions in two or three dimensions. Time allowing, we will discuss boundary conditions in relation to the Navier-Stokes equations as well as the vanishing viscosity limit.
Week 6: April 14 to April 18 Minicourse       


      Dates > Mon (Apr 14) - Wed (Apr 26)
                   No lecture on Fri due to holiday

      Time > 14:00 to 15:00

Where: Room 333

Matthias Hieber (Technische Universität Darmstadt, Germany)

Complex Fluids and Interfaces

In this series of lectures we discuss the analysis of free and moving boundary value problems for fluids of Navier-Stokes type. Moreover, we analyze various types of complex fluid models such as liquid crystals or multicomponent fluids of Maxwell-Stefan type.
Week 7: April 21 to April 25


      Dates > No lecture on Mon and Wed due to holiday 
                   Fri (Apr 25)

      Time > 14:00 to 15:00

Where: Room 333

Matthias Hieber (Technische Universität Darmstadt, Germany)

Complex Fluids and Interfaces (continued from previous week)

In this series of lectures we discuss the analysis of free and moving boundary value problems for fluids of Navier-Stokes type. Moreover, we analyze various types of complex fluid models such as liquid crystals or multicomponent fluids of Maxwell-Stefan type.
Week 8: April 28 to May 02 Minicourse       


      Dates > No lecture on Fri due to holiday 
                   Mon (Apr 28) - **Tue (Apr 29)**
                   - Wed  (Apr 30)

      Time > 14:00 to 15:00

Where: Room 333 (Mon and Wed)
   Auditorium 3 (Tue)

Geoffrey Burton (University of Bath, UK)

Rearrangements and steady vortices

Two real-valued functions are rearrangements if they are equimeasurable, that is, if inverse images of the same (Borel) set have equal measure. Classical rearrangement inequalities compare a function with a more symmetric rearrangement of itself, for example a symmetric decreasing rearrangement. Certain optimisation problems posed on the class of all rearrangements of a function give rise to solutions that represent the vorticity in a steady planar ideal fluid flow. In some instances the optimisation problem illuminates the question of stability of the flow.
Week 9: May 05 to May 09     


      Dates > Mon (May 05) - Wed (May 07) - Fri (May

      Time > 14:00 to 15:00

Room 333

A. Valentina Busuioc (Université Jean Monnet - St. Étienne, France)

Old, new and unknown in alpha-fluids: a short history

In these 3 lectures  I will present a brief mathematical history of the  non-Newtonian alpha-fluids. After an introductory part on this class of fluids I will focus on some mathematical results for the following models: the second grade fluid, the alpha-Euler and alpha Navier-Stokes models, the third grade fluid (if there is time). There will be old results, new results and open problems, in various situations.
Week 10: May 12 to May 16    Minicourse       


      Dates > Tue (May 13)** - Wed (May 14) - Fri (May

      Time > 14:00 to 15:00

Tue Auditorium 3, Wed-Fri Room 333

Nathan Glatt-Holtz (Virginia Tech University)

Ergodic properties of stochastically driven fluid flow

These lectures aim to serve as an introduction to the study of unique ergodicity for the basic nonlinear equations of fluids dynamics subject to a spatially degenerate, white in time gaussian forcing. In order to provide an accessible introduction to some recent developments in the subject we will focus our attention on a finite dimensional model, indicating how the methods generalize to an infinite dimensional setting.  Some relationships to turbulence will be discussed.
Week 11: May 19 to May 23    Minicourse       


      Dates > Mon (May 19) - Wed (May 21) - Fri (May

      Time > 14:00 to 15:00

Room 333

Roman Shvydkoy (University of Illinois, Chicago)

Lectures on shortwave instabilities of incompressible fluids

Shortwave instabilities are instabilities with respect to highly localized and rapidly oscillating perturbations. They were first discovered in the early 80s in the context of homogeneous incompressible fluids as a mechanism of fast breaking of coherent structures into a fully developed turbulent flow. When mathematical theory came along in the 90s it was found that these instabilities are associated with the continuous spectrum of the linearized equations and can be described by a finite dimensional dynamical system. A general approach further developed in 2000s revealed a broad range of models shearing a certain common structure where these kind of instabilities occur. Those include general non-homogeneous fluids, porous media and Darcy's law, SQG, visco-elastic fluids, alpha-models, etc. In the first part of these lectures we will overview the history and discuss the geometric optics approach to shortwave instabilities. Emphasis will be made on developing a range of example to which this approach applies and finding easy instability criteria for various flows. In the second part we introduce the mathematical language in terms of which we give a full description of the continuous spectra of the corresponding equations and draw further details about shortwave instabilities. Some familiarity of harmonic analysis and PDEs will be assumed.
Week 12: May 26 to May 30 
4th. Workshop on Fluids and PDE
Week 13: June 02 to June 06 Minicourse       


      Dates > Mon (Jun 02) - Wed (Jun 04) - Fri (Jun 06)
      Time > 14:00 to 15:00

Room 333

Tristan Buckmaster (University of Leipzig, Max Planck Institute for Mathematics in the Sciences)

Recent progress towards resolving Onsager's Conjecture

Since their inception in the mid 18th century, the Euler equations remain subject of both intense study and debate. In three dimensions, the question of whether the Cauchy problem is globally well-posed for smooth initial data remains famously unresolved. However, when one relaxes one's notion of solution and considers weak solutions, then the solutions are known to exhibit bad and in some cases paradoxical behavour (cf. Scheffer 1993, Shnirelman 1997, Camillo De Lellis, László Székelyhidi Jr. 2009). Despite this, weak solutions remain the subject of study due to their perceived connection with the theory of turbulence.

A fundamental feature of turbulent flow is that of dissipation of kinetic energy. In 1949, Lars Onsager in his famous note on statistical hydrodynamics conjectured that weak solutions to the Euler equations belonging to Hölder spaces with Hölder exponent greater than 1/3 conserve kinetic energy; conversely, he conjectured the existence of solutions belonging to any Hölder space with exponent less than 1/3 which dissipate kinetic energy.  

The first part of this conjecture has since been confirmed (cf. Eyink 1994, Constantin, E and Titi 1994).  During this lecture series we will discuss recent work by Camillo De Lellis, László Székelyhidi Jr., Phil Isett and myself related to resolving the second component of Onsager's conjecture. In particular, we will outline the construction of weak non-conservative solutions to the Euler equations whose Hölder 1/3-ϵ norm is Lebesgue integrable in time.
Week 14: June 09 to June 13