This program is dedicated primarily to specialized training for graduate students, post-docs and young researchers in the field of PDE and Fluid Dynamics, and for promoting research and international scientific exchange in the area. The program is scheduled to last fourteen weeks, from March 10th to June 13th, 2014, including two international meetings. The first one will take place from March 12th to March 21st, an advanced school called “Around Vortices”, focusing on the nature and properties of vortices in fluid dynamics, superfluids and superconductivity. The second event will be the "Fourth Workshop in Fluids and PDE", which will take place from May 26th to May 30th, showcasing recent developments in the field. In addition, there will be continuing activities, which will include a four-hour-per-week advanced course, called “Mathematical analysis of incompressible flow”, several minicourses and a weekly research seminar.